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What we do with donations:


The project “Musicamento” has been running for some years now. And it can only do so counting on your active support. All of our employees work on a voluntary basis for the project, but there are always upcoming costs.

The donations are used in a variety of ways and primarily help the association to get material for the therapy sessions. By material we mean instruments, material for making instruments, paper, colored pencils and everything that comes to mind for occupational and music therapy. But not only material is obtained, the donations also serve to maintain the therapy room, repair instruments and help with costs for transport, for example for the “Nurtac” outdoor project. Furthermore, there is always some activities going on with participating families and team-building measures are planned for our volunteers on site.

The donations help us to further expand our project and thus to provide therapeutic support to other children and families. Many thanks to everyone who made our project possible!

Donation receipts for the tax office are only required from an amount of 200 euros. For amounts below this, bank statements should suffice for the tax office.


Musicamento Ecuador e.V.

Lena Klein

Josefstraße 13
48151 Münster



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Spenden Sie jetzt!


Volksbank Münster eG
IBAN: DE69 4036 1906 7204 3640 00


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Ihnen sollte jedoch bewusst sein, dass jede Spende über Paypal für uns als Verein mit Extra-Gebühren verbunden ist.

Eine direkte Überweisung auf unser Spendenkonto ist komplett gebührenfrei und die Spende kommt zu 100 % bei uns an.